
I would like to answer the questions David Foster Wallace presents in his piece Consider the Lobster. 

"Do you think much about the (possible) moral status and (probable) suffering of the animals involved?"


"what ethical convictions have you worked out that permit you not just to eat but to savor and enjoy flesh-based viands?"

Well, muslims use the concept of halal (lawful/permitted) food that provides an approach wholly considering ethics and morals of animal treatment.

When it comes to slaughtering animals, Islam has outlined the halal way for this to be done. This is to not be selfish in killing an animal, to remember and be thankful of why it is and can be used for food, and respect the animal in the process. Processes include saying a prayer, making one cut in aims to eliminate suffering, and cleaning the animal in a specific, very humane way.

So, there is no tearing off of limbs or mass-executionary-type practices. An anima's integrity has to be respected.


  1. Great post! I like how you answered the questions Wallace asked, and the example of Islamic animal slaughtering to make something halal #zabihagang


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