The Flight of a Baby Robin

I was sitting on a swing hanging from a branch of a tree in the park, when I started hearing some little chirping noises. Usually unfazed, my attention was drawn towards these peeps as they sounded very near, and looking up I saw a nest with baby robins in it. What little creatures, I thought. The small robins were very unstable and lacked the colors and slick feathers to their older counterparts. There was what appeared to be one mother bird on the edge of the nest, and she flew to another nearby tree; nothing out of the ordinary. Then all the other baby birds stirred a little. Observing one baby robin walk to the edge of the nest, I was curious as to what it could be doing.
Then the stupid bird jumped. I couldn't bear to look as I knew he would just fall down, so I backed away. Sure enough, he plopped right on the grass. Hopelessly flailing his tiny wings, the baby robin tried to take flight, yet ultimately failed. All the while, this bird's siblings were still in the nest chirping away, perfectly content in their secure nest. The risk taker robin didn't lack confidence, no. He just shook his little feathers off and waddled on.


  1. I really enjoy your observations of the bird. I also like how the bird didn’t die lol; that was a nice surprise. Well done!


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